Why Support the Tallinn Forum?
Because I believe in the application of strategic environmental assessment to undertake, to choose the future I desire for future generations, to help address social and environmental needs within communities. Because I believe in democracy , sustainability and I want a country with a strategic planning framework that is at the service of its people and their environments, as well as its economy.

What is the role of Tallinn Forum?
The Tallinn Forum chairs, encourages networking, hosts events and prepares studies which diagnoses and promotes solution to the strategic evaluation of public and environmental problems associated with the requirements for coherent national, regional and local planning systems with the concept of European society.
Through the tool of strategic assessment we promote the integration of social and environmental factors in national land use and sector planning systems, the modernization of State infrastructure, the elimination of barriers to sustainability, and coherent approaches towards climate change, resource management and the development of circular economies for Europe.

How can I support the work of the Tallinn Forum?
Orgaisations can register as an Associate Member with a monthly contribution 25 Euro or more. With this you will receive invitations to private seminars, workshops and our annual conference at preferential rates in which European and international assessment themes are analyzed.
You can be a Collaborating Member with a monthly contribution of 5 Euro you will receive a discounted early bird invitations for the annual conference.