Turning COP26 commitments into Action

New Priorities for SEA practice within climate change adaptation

23th February 2022

The 2nd Tallinn Forum Conference Programme

We need to be braver!  Holding this year’s Tallinn Forum on SEA and strategic planning after COP26’s conclusions sets aside a brief window of time for us to meet together and debate the future in the knowledge of what action needs to be taken and what commitments have come into place internationally.

We all sense the mood change amongst governments, regional authorities and public institutions – strategic planning in Europe has to move from ‘nice to do’ commitments towards a more action focussed ’must do’.  This year’s Tallinn Forum will encourage debate on the actions and strategies that SEA and Planning professionals should be taking, and where SEA can contribute to better decision making.  We all want to increase the contribution that SEA can play in helping nations, regional agencies and sectors to increase their climate ambition, build resilience and lower carbon economies across Europe.

Attend 1 session, listen later to all missed sessions.  All Live session presentations will be recorded and made available later, we cannot record all chat room debates.


Introduction: Ross Marshall

Keynote: Weston Fisher (presentation link – video) (presentation link – slides)

Session 1:

When the next Plan  comes around? What has been learnt – Riki Therivel, Ainhoa Gonzales

Session 2:

A It’s Hot Out there: Goal conflicts and climate change – Charlotta Faith-Ell, Åsa Lind-Chong (presentation link)

B Decisions and Deep Uncertainty – balance specificity and taking a helicopter view of the key issues – Maria Rosario Partidario, Ross Marshall (presentation link)

Session 3:

How does SEA at sub-national level help implement NDCs – Alan Bond, Holmfridur Bjarnadottir (presentation link)

Session 4:

Climate Change & Sustainability Taxonomies: Do no significant harm (DNSH) – is it a paradox? – Heikki Kalle, Mart Dungay, Weston Fischer, Jiri Dusik (presentation link)

Tallinn Forum – Future visions – Heikki Kalle